Switching to empty hand with more than 2 items equipped


In Dark Souls 2 you're able to switch to an empty hand, if you only have 1 item equipped.

For example:


  • sword
  • Empty
  • Empty


  • Shield
  • Empty
  • Empty

But, because I want to use a brawler build, I'd like to change into my empty hands (fists) because of the Vanquiser's ring.

The desired build I want to use is:


  • Bone fist
  • Empty
  • Empty


  • Bone fist
  • Pyromancy flame
  • Empty

Is it possible to use the desired build and be able to switch back to empty hands (fists)?
Or can the pyromancy flame be considered a "fist"?

Best Answer

No. The Pyromancy Flame is considered a Catalyst, like a Staff or Chime. While they can be used as weapons, their main weapon class is a Catalyst.

So, basically, no; you cannot use the pyromancy flame as a "fist weapon" or as an "empty fist", and therefore cannot be dual wielded.

Edit: I should add that even though there are three slots for you to use, only two are used unless the third slot is occupied. For example, if at least 1 of the three slots is left empty, only the first two slots can be selected or "equipped".

So if you want to use the Vanquisher's Seal, you will need to have at least two empty slots on each hand to "dual wield" your fists.