SWTOR View Distance


I have an annoying problem regarding the view distance in Star Wars: The Old Republic. It used to have a slider during beta where you could adjust the distance stuff would be shown. But now I can't find that setting.

This results in NPCs materializing near my postition. Just like Scotty beamed them down. No, it is not a respawn; it happens with all the NPCs. Best visible when moving towards big creatures like the bantha or icetromper.

Grass and flowers seem to grow as I move towards them.

Using the interfleet transport I can see the front of the space station but everything in it is drawn when I close in. This means at first I can see through the space station and have a magnificent look on the sun in the background.

How can I adjust the view distance?

  • Nvidia GTX 570
  • Driver Version 285.62
  • Windows 7 64-bit

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enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

I did some research and found this

If you go to about page 4 you will find this post:

Great news lads! :P

I've managed to decrease draw distance... And I will show you how to do it in few simple steps!

Go to (for example on Windows 7, installed on drive C:): C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings (Replace <username> with yours)

In "settings" folder you will find a file called client_settings.ini—right click on it and select "Open with", then "Notepad"

My file looks like this:

D3DFullScreen = true
EnableBloom = false
Height = 768
NativeHeight = 1024
NativeWidth = 1280
RefreshRate = 85
TextureQuality = 1
UseMinSpecShaders = true
VerticalSyncState = true
Width = 1024
WindowX = 0
WindowY = 0
FarClipScale = 0.3371195
PlantDensity = 14
SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 0.82336956
AllowDepthOfField = false
doShadows = false
doBlobShadows = false

MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies
SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic

Now find PlantDensity, in your client_settings.ini, and INSERT

FarClipScale = 0.3371195

ABOVE PlantDensity on its own line. (You can also try 0.1371195 or 0.5371195, but I know that 0.3371195 works perfectly for me!)

Don't FORGET to SAVE your client_settings.ini after you add FarClipScale = 0.3371195.

After you've done that, close your client_settings.ini and right click on it -> Properties. On the bottom of Properties window you'll see a check box "Read-only". Check it! Now you should be ready to play!

I hope this helps!

This appears to be a fix for increasing or decreasing your draw distance. A little research and trial and error may have to be done to ensure you have the right setting number entered, but this seems to be an effective fix. I am not home so I cannot try it myself.

Also make sure you are displaying hidden folders, because AppData is a hidden folder.

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