Table of SSBB Character Opponent Strengths and Weaknesses


I am looking for a comprehensive table or article on each brawl character's opponents they are strong against (Strengths) and opponents they are weak against.

For a given character give me other characters he/she is strong against and weak against.

It seems like this type of analysis should be easy to find and relatively easy to create if one knows the game inside and out. I also feel that it would be beneficial to the community to have such a table indexed and referenced.

Best Answer

SSBB character match-up graph is availble on the wiki. Obviously this doesn't include an explanation on that particular page, but you can view the character pages to get an explanation of each match-up for the most part. The list is sorted by tier list. Interesting how the only notably unusual match-up that deviates very strongly from the tierlist is fox v shiek. matchup graph