TDS Endless waves of Rebel Spies


In what has to be the furthest from complaining I can be, I noticed recently that I am getting almost exclusively Rebels arriving at my Death Star…. As in, as soon as I catch one, another comes in. Now, in the past two hours, I've taken in over seventy Imperial Bux… my question is, does anyone know what may have caused this. I don't believe in cheating, but I am also not opposed to getting a fun bonus every now and then…

Update: The massive influx ended after about a day and a half. To answer questions, no, I hadn't ignored the game, however, I noticed I was getting Rebels at what had probably been a slower pace than most (usually only one or two every six hours or so, playing in thirty minute increments).

I had the third elevator upgrade at the time, and now (because of the bux earned) have the final elevator.

I now get Rebels randomly, sometimes one after another, sometimes one with another following about 15 mins later or so.

Best Answer

Normally I'd tell you that this is random chance. But 70 in an hour points to some random bug in your favor. Keep playing and let us know if it changes.

I can say, though, that I have seen a large number of these missions in a row when I've put down the game for a while. It seems they build up over time, and if you don't play they come out all at once.

This seems harmless. My only concern would be that if it is not progressing past a certain point, things may not be unlocking. But, if everything else seems normal, sit back and enjoy the Bux before your eyes get blurry from searching!