Terraria for iOS keeps crashing in the iPhone 4s


So sometimes when I'm bored I go onto my phone and play a $5 game named terraria. It's fun but I have some complaints. I'm not sure if this happens for everyone or if it's just my phone, but a lot of the time I'm brought back to my home screen. This gets annoying because sometimes it would happen at a bad time because I'm fighting a boss or something. And when I go back in to the game all the things that I've placed or built like houses and rooms I use teleporters to get to and the wire that I spent like 3-4 mins tops becomes a huge waste of time since it would all be gone by the time I go back. Mind you I have a crappy battery iPhone 4S so it might just be my phone. How could I fix this? Can You help me?

Best Answer

I think that your iPhone 4S is damaged and/or does not have enough RAM to run Terraria.

You should try closing the background applications, closing AirShou(if you use it), and reinstalling the Terraria app.