Terraria – How to use Quick Select


How do I use quick select using a PC in Terraria?
If you press Shift, you are able to instantly retrieve something from your inventory rather than having to go to your inventory and put something into your hot bar. I would like to know how to better use this feature- for example, if you press Shift, how do you know which item will be instantly retrieved?

Best Answer

The tool you'll be selecting when using the auto select key (default : Shift) will depend on the block you're pointing at, and sometimes, the condition of your character being submerged by water :

  • if you point the cursor far away from your character, your character will hold the first glowstick, or flare gun, if available.
  • air : first torch in your inventory
    • if you are underwater, you will hold a waterproof torch (cursed & ichor torch), or else a glowstick (or flare gun) (if any of them are available), but no water sensitive torches.
    • if you are outside the water but point at a pool of water, the player will hold a torch regardless of the waterproofness of the torch.
    • if you have no torch, then it's glowstick or flare gun. If you have nothing, then the auto-select will do nothing.
  • block/furniture : first tool that has enough pickaxe power
    • pointing a block out of range will not auto-select the tool, but a light source instead.
  • tree/cactus/giant glowing mushroom : first tool that has any axe power
    • idem for the pickaxe if the cursor is out of range.

"first" means, as 3ventic mentionned, the first fitting item, from left to right, top to bottom.
The items in the hotbar have the highest priority.

Exception : the hammer will never be selected with the auto-select, you have to put it in your hotbar, so you can destroy background walls or shape some blocks.

While you're holding Left mouse click with an auto-selected item, you can release Shift and still have the item in your hand. It will get back on your previous pick once you release the mouse click.