Terraria – Is Plantera in console Terraria


Is Plantera actually in the console version of terraria? I have defeated all 3 mechanical bosses and Ocram (just in case), with the same character dealing the killing blow, the message does appear on the first win. Me and 3 others have been digging for the underground jungle for 2 weeks and have filled our entire map for the underground jungle and have yet to find a single bulb, plus on another note I don't believe chlorophyte ore can grow before Plantera has been defeated because I left some to grow for 10 hours checked (none), saved and exited, reloaded and still none. I would really appreciate to know wether or not I should keep looking or wait for an update.

Best Answer

According to the Terraria Wiki, yes, Plantera is in the console version of Terraria as of version 1.2.

It's possible that you're encountering a bug, though. Sometimes, the bulbs to spawn Plantera will not spawn at all, especially in the console version.