Terraria – What armor to use for Golem with Magic Weapons


I have just defeated Plantera but I have no idea what kind of armor I should wear to fight the Golem.

What is the best magic armor I can be wearing at this point in the game?

Best Answer

It's advised to arrive in updated sets for your preferred specialization: Shroomite armor for ranged characters, Turtle armor for melee characters, Spectre Armor for magic characters, or Beetle Armor for melee characters who have defeated Golem already. If you are a magic character who has not attempted the Hardmode Dungeon yet, they should use Chlorophyte Armor. At minimum one would want Chlorophyte armor, Hallowed Armor,Mobile only.Dragon Armor or Frost Armor. Regardless of specialization one may prefer to use Beetle armor for the fight due to its high mitigation which is extremely useful for the Golem fight assuming you do not utilize the wall trick. NOTE:You need to have already defeated Golem to get Beetle armor.

As the wiki states, you should probably get spectre armor as you are a magic character. If you are low on ectoplasm you can use cholorophyte armor or beetle for overall survivability.