TF2- how to deal with Roof Wranglers


A Roof Wrangler is an engineer that uses the Wrangler to jump up to a high point–e.g. the roof above the Sniper area on ctf_doublecross
enter image description here— use his Rescue Ranger to get his sentry, dispenser and teleporter on the roof, and proceed to Wrangle everyone from afar (usually accompanied by a second Engineer).

Another example of where this occurs is in cp_5gorge:

enter image description here
Now, there seem to be no ways of countering this behaviour:

  • Scouts, Snipers, Heavies and Pyros are useless, as they can't get up on the roof, nor do they have any weapons capable of destroying the nest from afar).
  • Soldiers and Demoman still have a hard time, since the Wrangled sentry is resistant to most damage, and, if there's another Engineer, turtling on the roof, who has a Short Circuit, he makes these two classes redundant.
  • Although Spies can enter the enemy's teleporter, the rooves are usually quite small, so it's easy to identify a Spy (or at least get rid of his sapper).

In the case of ctf_doublecross, Roof Wranglers become even harder to take down when they are on the enemy's roof (e.g. in the case of the above picture, a BLU engineer Roof Wrangling onto RED's roof).

Now, what is an effective way to deal with these Roof Wranglers?

Best Answer

The key to taking these down is teamwork (although admittedly there is little of that on TF2 nowadays). The best way to do it by far is a combination of spy, soldier and demoman.

Step 1: The spy disguises and enters the teleporter.
Step 2: The spy saps the engineer's stuff.
Step 3: (This should happen as soon as the spy exits the teleporter). The soldier and demoman come out and begin firing at the sentry. The sentry should be sapped by now, so the solly distracts the engineer(s) while the demoman launches stickybombs.
Step 4: Explosions!: The demoman detonates his stickies while the solly continues firing.
Step 5: Everything is destroyed. You can continue eating sandwiches and showing off your cool new hat.

It should also be noted that (as with everything else on this game), more players = greater chance of success.