The altruists GTA V browser website


What is the meaning of this website

and what does it say?

It is in game and in the browser


Best Answer

This is an in-game website for the Altruist Cult. The Altruist Cult is a malevolent religion comprised entirely of old men from the baby boom generation that follow Altruism and believe that all other generations after them are the cause of all problems in the world. They also have distaste for technology, even though some members use cars, and the entire group maintains a website.

Members can be seen walking around half naked, some fully naked. The cult makes their home in a small, but functional fortified village in the Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, with numerous buildings painted with their livery. More info here

It's written in morse code and translates as the following:

The industrial revolution has been a disaster to the stability of the human race.

Almost all would agree that continued focus on the superiority of the sub 40 younger generation will result in the catastrophic and tragic end to our civilization.

Man is a nocturnal animal by nature.

Those who exist in the industrial-technological society, suffer from psychological problems.

Hypervitaminosis D causes abnormally high concentrations of calcium, which can cause harm to the heart, kidneys and bones. Toxic concentrations are a direct result of exposure to the sun.

Crowding causes stress and aggression

Primitive societies, ones where clothes and tools of the industrial revolution were not needed, provided a stable framework for the function of society

One can not complain about the decay traditional values yet embrace technology

A man as an individual, working with an autonomous group of individuals, all of whom are naked in spirit and in the cloth, remain healthy to himself and others.

Sub 40s only exist as subsistence to the altruistic man and gains life from consuming them

Ban clothes. Ban lies. Ban youth. Ban deceit. Eat of the flesh. Drink of the blood. We know. Altruism. The greatest good, for the greatest generation. We shall boom again.

Take a look at this video which explains all of it as well.

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