The best leveling spec for a Champion in LotRO


The title says it all. I'm looking for the best leveling spec for Champions in Lord of the Rings Online. 'Best' in a MMO means a nice balance of survivability and efficiency. This should include traits, virtues, weapons (dual wield or two handed weapons)

Best Answer

Survivability is not a virtue of the Champion class. Survivability means for a Champion to do as much as damage so the mob(s) will die before the Champion. If in a fight the odds turn against you can switch your stance to 'Ardour' or 'Glory' and use some defence skills like 'Sudden Defence', 'Blocking Blades' and/or the emergency skill 'Dire Need' (Transfers 50% Power into twice as much Morale.) with a 30 minute CD to turn around bad situations. But on the end the Champion needs to make enough damage to kill the mob before the Champion dies.

Traits: Discipline, Determination, Valor are must haves imho, Justice and/or Loyalty are quite good because of the extra morale and i would suggest Innocence because of the melee defence rating.

Class Traits: 4 Red; 3 Yellow imho but thats a matter of taste. 'Controlled Burn' as legendary trait is a must have.

Dual Wield vs. Two Handed: There is probable neverending discussion dual wield vs. two handed. Most Consensus is that the damage output is nearly the same. With dual wield you'll be faster and with two handed you'll have a higher burst damage. Most Champions prefer dual wield; i prefer two handed.