The “best practice” on taking down a helicopter with a (single) Stinger


This is how I usually try to take down a helicopter:

  • If he is too far away, I usually don't even care (longer "lock-on" time, reload countermeasures, etc.)
    • if he is mid to close range I usually lock-on, fire, he countermeasures
    • then I fire the second shot and usually this gives me the "vehicle disabled" message

But I'm curious how you do this and if there is a more "efficient" way. For example lock-on, wait till he countermeasures, wait a bit, then fire?

Best Answer

Works only on some pilots, but here is the method I use:

Firstly, I get a lock onto him and wait for him to lose his nerves and fire a salvo of IR-flares.

Then I fire my first missile, and immediately after that the second, if he is still in sight and range.

This will consequently fail on experienced pilots, since their first reaction is to fly far away if they can, and if not, they wait for the threat missile launch, and then release the countermeasures.