The best tactic for battling wretches in Gears of War


I'm currently playing through Gears of War on hardcore mode and I'm having real trouble dispatching wretches, which are also called grubs by the Gears.

I've tried aiming at them properly, hand to hand combat, and just firing wildly when they get close, but I can't find a way to beat them consistently and more often than not will end up dying and having to try again from the last checkpoint.

Do they have any particular weaknesses that I am missing? Can anyone offer any advise on how best to deal with them?

Best Answer

The best strategy when dealing with the normal wretches is to use the shotgun. Don't aim (so shoot from the hip) and then melee when they get closer to you. If they get too close you can always shoot the shotgun then roll backwards to give yourself some distance.

With the Lambent wretches, the explosion you see when they die also effects other locust. So, if possible, try and get a lambent wretch to explode next to other enemies. Two birds with one stone :-)

If a lambent wretch gets too close to you, melee and roll backwards. Or shoot and roll backwards (as you've probably found out, the explosion hurts.....a lot!!)