The best time for ascension


Is there any kind of formula which determines the best time for an ascension?

Something like: "If you need more than 10 Minutes farming to get enough money for upgrades to kill the next boss!"?

I have the feeling that I always wait to long for an ascension. I'm currently in a kind of battle with two workmates and both of them are nearly 100 level in front of me. With nearly the same playing time (mentioned at steam).

I know that this question may be opinion based, due to this fact I would like to mention my own play type. I normally play it on idle. Which means I have ancients which increase my on idle damage (currently +100%) and my on idle gold even too (+100%). Which means it makes no sense for me to click in order that I would gain more and faster gold if I just watch the game and spend the money.

Best Answer

I have a feeling any answer here would be highly subjective; due to the differing styles of play (active/idle/hybrid); as well as the myriad of possible variables involved (Ancients, Gilds, Relics). I've seen a couple calculators; but they concern with what ancients I should upgrade & what order to level my heroes; but nothing with a clear-cut "Ascend Now!" answer.

I'm using an idle play style; and typically here's how I've been doing it:

  • Progress until I can't beat a boss without using skills
  • Use skills to beat aforementioned boss
  • Progress another 5 levels
  • If the boss is primal (meaning I'll get hero souls); wait for skills to recharge and go back to step 2. If the boss is not primal; ascend.

Of course; there may be reasons to deviate from this path (say i'm on level 785; and getting past 800 will net me guaranteed HS; as well as a 5% DPS bonus from an achievement. In this case I'll probably wait it out).

Anecdotally; from my experience; if you're early game (seemingly maxing out around level 300-400 or before); it probably makes sense to ascend early and often (minimum 15 HS per run). If you're mid to late game; that's when you'll start making deeper runs.

Edit So if you're getting around 15 hero souls; I think your target is somewhere around level 140 or so; and 7 or 8 of those should be coming from hero levels. (when you're upgrading; make sure you try and maximize your levels rather than dumping cash; as you get an additional HS for every 2000 levels.)

Personally; I've been spending rubies on the 3 additional gilds. Cash doesn't seem worth it; and the quick ascension is rather pricy as once you start progressing you'll be ascending every 30-60 minutes. There's a new option for a 2x permanent damage boost (not sure how good this is); and another for 3 relics (i think is rather useless; as you are forced to "recycle" them after you ascend; only keeping 4 equipped)

You said you have Libertas & Siyalatas; which are critical for an idle style. I think your next purchases should be Dora / Mimzee / Mammon (as those will give a significant boost to your gold production. After you get those 3; look for Atman / Solomon. Those will really boost your HS production