The best way to defeat the breeder on nightfall in Call of Duty:Ghosts Extinction


The question is pretty cut-and-dry. How to most efficiently kill the breeder(aka the first boss) on Nightfall?

Best Answer

It'll charge up and spew a barrage of bullets your way. When you see it prepare for this, find cover – behind a building, under some rocks, anywhere. Otherwise, you'll be instantly killed by the gunfire. The beast also fires red orbs from its tail, which rain down toxic mist in certain areas of the map. Watch where these attacks go, and avoid these areas until they're clear. Otherwise, you're dead. It also launches yellow eggs that hatch aliens, and they're a pain to deal with while focusing on the Breeder. Destroy them as soon as you can.

Sentry guns are a huge asset in this fight, provided they're facing the Breeder head-on, since its face is the primary weak point. Shoot him only in the red part of his face. Otherwise, save the turrets for secondary duty, like wiping out eggs.

Use your special weapons from the lockers whenever you can. Eventually, the Breeder will make a run for it, and you'll need to face off against a horde of aliens before running into it again. Destroy the last of the Hives as soon as possible, as you'll want to make sure the area is clear of smaller aliens before running head-on into the Breeder.

Deal more damage to the Breeder when it returns, but watch out for waves of enemies when it climbs up the building (usually when it’s down to half damage). It's here where you'll utilize your special weapons, as well as turrets to survive the fight. The Rhinos are particularly tough when they charge, so be prepared to move quickly.

As the Breeder returns, keep an eye out for flower-shaped Hives on the ground. These are small and easy to miss, but they are essential for the Breeder to continue fighting, as they act as fuel. Destroying them will assure it continues taking damage, so make them a priority while avoiding the Breeder's attacks.

For weapons choice MK32 grenade launcher, Maverick, LSAT. BUT make sure you hit it in the face or you're just shooting tampons.


  • Attack him while he is standing still, other times he will launch eggs and you have to focus on them.
  • Shoot only his ugly red face or you are wasting ammo.
  • Use LSAT/MK32/Maverick.