The best way to defend White Forest in Half-Life 2: Episode Two


I always have a hard time defending the White Forest base against the oncoming Striders and Hunters. My problem is that I cannot kill the Striders as long as the Hunters are alive as they always shoot the Magnusson Devices before I can attach them to the Strider or before I can shoot them to blow up the Strider.

For this reason I always kill the Hunters first before I take on the Striders. The problem with Hunters is that they are somewhat tough. So I usually resort to running them over with my car. This is, however, not as easy as one would hope because the map is full of obstacles and Hunters sometimes move in the last seconds before I can run them over. Also they are often very close to their Strider so that the Strider's legs get in my way. This means I frequently have to reverse and try to hit the Hunter again and again.

Hitting the Hunters takes up most of the time I spend on the entire battle. This is a very lengthy process which means I usually end up losing all buildings on the map and towards the end it is always a very close call whether I can hold the Striders off from shooting the base.

I was wondering what your tactics are to take care of the Hunter issue. Is there some better way that could kill them faster? I am aware of the secondary fire mechanism of the AR2 but I usually have only 3 shots of ammo for that and that is not going to be sufficient for the about 20 Hunters that will need to be killed in the course of the battle.

Best Answer

My favourite tactic consists in picking up a log with the Gravity Gun, and whack those hunters with them; and when there's no log in convenient proximity, I use the Revolver or Shotgun (but I prefer the Revolver, since it's more accurate) to kill them as fast as possible.

The advantage of using logs (or rocks), is that they are available in abundance and that they can kill a Hunter with a single shot, assuming the shot hits, which is why you'd want to get close and personal.
There are only few weapons that can kill Hunters in a single shot, and all of them have extremely limited ammo.
The advantage of the Revolver and Shotgun, is that they can kill a Hunter in about 2-3 shots, although in the case of the Shotgun it can require more than 3 shots due to the Shotgun's low accuracy and range.

Of course, this assumes that you can survive a close encounter with the Hunters, which you'll have to anyways, since they rarely leave the Striders' side and you'll have to be fairly close to the Strider, if you want to successfully land a Magnussen.

You may want to explore the neighbourhood first though, so you won't waste time finding the Striders as they appear.

P.S: You actually can kill the Striders without dealing with the Hunters first, but in order to do this, you'll need to be extremely fast, both when picking up the Magnussen and launching it, and when switching to the handgun and detonating the device.

This is also extremely useful (if not required) when going for the Neighborhood Watch Achievement/Trophy, as you usually have plenty of time to deal with the Hunters in between two Strider waves, yet barely enough to deal with them before the Strider destroys a building.