The bonus received for filling up a hotel floor


How many coins are received as a bonus for filling up a hotel room in Tiny Tower Vegas, and does it depend on the floor number or the upgrade level of the hotel room or both?

Best Answer

The bonus is dependent on the level of the hotel room and independent of floor number. The bonus scales to the 2nd power of upgrade level as follows:

b = 26.25*l^2 - 0.1*l + 1.75

Where b = bonus in coins, and l = upgrade level.

Level - Bonus
1 - 28
2 - 105
3 - 239
4 - 423
5 - 656
6 - 945
7 - 1287
8 - 1680
9 - 2126
10 - 2625

Graph showing bonus received in coins vs upgrade level of hotel room.