The cost with accepting global deliveries


I have an oil power plant. To keep it running, I am accepting global deliveries.
enter image description here

The expense of running is $856/hour
The burning rate is 8.93k barrels/day (k? what does k mean?).

What is with this $4500 figure? Is it how much it costs to fill my plant or something?

I can "recent transactions" in the budget.

So still with some simple math it does not computer.

8.93 barrels /day 
divided by capacity 2000 
= 223 days till i run dry.

The recent transaction shows 3 deliveries in just a few months.

enter image description here

Best Answer

First, some in-game time conversions (which can be deduced by comparing the "budget month income" to the "hourly income" in the budget window).

  • 24 hours = 1 day = 1 budget month
  • 288 hours = 12 days = 12 budget months = 1 budget year

You pay 4500 simoleans for one 1000 barrel shipment of oil on today's market. When the oil plant is built, it starts with 2000 barrels.

The oil plant burns:

  • 1.2 barrels per 2 minutes
  • 36 barrels burned in 1 hour
  • 864 barrels per day (aka per budget month) - which is worth 3888 simoleans.

The 856 hourly expense is on top of that, so that's another 20544 simoleans daily.

There should be 86% * 12 = 10.3 import shipments per year. So expect a shipment almost every month.

I would strongly recommend against the oil plant until your city requires over 100 MW. There is no way to scale the plant's costs back, ala simcity4.