The difference between city-state markets


I've begun playing with the markets in Realm Reborn. The active help says that all markets are connected, so items sold in one city-state can be purchased from another.

So basically it's a global pool? And the only difference between markets is the tax fee paid depending on the city the item was sold at? I couldn't help but notice that I have never seen a tax different from 5%. When and how do such taxes change?

Best Answer

My understanding is that when a buyer standing at market board in a city-state purchases items from a retainer that is stationed in a different city-state (as noted by the nation icon on the market listing), the purchase price will be slightly higher to account for an additional "delivery fee." For example, if a buyer in Ul'dah purchases an item from a retainer stationed in Gridania, an additional fee will be added to the purchase price of the item.

As far as I know, the amount of tax incurred by the seller will be the same regardless of which nation the item is purchased from. I don't recall offhand whether the "delivery fee" is simply removed from the economy, or if it goes to the seller. (If I had to guess, I'd choose the former.)