The difference between “Often dozes off” and “alert to sounds”


I was breeding Abras for Modest Female Abra, I got 3 of them, they stats are the same:

  • Att: 4
  • Def: 5
  • Sp.Att: 7
  • Sp.Def: 6
  • Speed: 7

And they description are ALMOST the same:

Modest nature.
Day-Care Couple
Egg received.
Route 3
Egg hatched.

BUT the last line is different:

  1. Alert to sounds.
  2. Alert to sounds.
  3. Often dozes off.

I am trying to level a most perfect for my tasty Abra as possible, and I Really want to understand the meaning behind this part.

I'm playing Pokemon-white

Best Answer

This is known as a Pokémon's characteristic. Since Diamond & Pearl, a Pokémon's status screen gives a hint as to which of its IVs is the highest in the form of an otherwise meaningless message; "Alert to sounds" means that its Speed IV is the highest and is congruent to 1 modulo 5, while "Often dozes off" means that its HP IV is the highest and is congruent to 1 modulo 5. However, in the event that two or more IVs are tied for highest, the resulting characteristic is chosen based on the Pokémon's personality value, so it's entirely possible that the Abras all have the same IVs anyway.