The difference between Protect and Detect


In Pokemon, there are two moves. Protect and Detect. On the outside, they seem to be exactly the same, besides PP amounts and move types. Are there any other differences between these two moves, or are they practically clones?

Best Answer

From Bulbapedia:

Detect's technical mechanics, including formulas, glitches, and exceptions, function identically to Protect in all generations.

So yes, they're practically the same move.

The only difference I see, besides PP amount and type as you wrote, is that they have a different behaviour in Contests:

  • Protect is a Cute move, it rises Appeal by 1 unit in normal Contests and by 2 units in Constest Spectaculars.

  • Detect is a Cool move, it rises Appeal by 2 units in normal Contests and by 1 unit in Constest Spectaculars.

And, of course, Protect has its own technical machine, TM17.
Detect has none.