The easiest way to ‘Goose’ in Titanfall


In Titanfall there is a challenge and an achievement:

Gooser Shoot X pilots while they are ejecting

Ejecting pilots are very quick, often cloaked, at medium to long range and always at full health (taking multiple shots with most weapons).

For some players this is easy, twitch reflexes or pure skill make it easy, but many players find it extremely hard – getting even one 'Goose' is a huge challenge.

Is there any tactic, weapon or strategy that can make this easier?

Best Answer

The easiest way is to be in a titan - titan weapons kill pilots fast.

That is, if you can hit them mid-air. Personally I find the Arc Cannon (without capacitor) the best, but some players prefer the Chaingun.

Alternatively you can rodeo a titan - when the pilot ejects you will eject with him. If you got for this method, you'll probably want the Smart Pistol, RC-101 or an SMG to win the duel.