The elder scrolls v thieves guild special jobs not working (ps4)


In my play through of the thieves guild i hav e finished the entire main missions for it and have completed many 'small' jobs from delvin and vex but nothing seems to activate the special jobs. i had a dialogue with delvin but skipped it by accident, my characters said he was ready for a whiterun special job but nothing happened after. i have 1 merchant, the statue of nocturnal and that is all the noticeable changes the guild.
Solitude – IIIIIIIIII =10
Riften – IIIIIIII = 8
Whiterun – IIIIIIIII =9
Windhelm – IIIIIIIIIII = 11
Markarth – IIIIIII = 7

this is the small jobs i have done in each hold, (i know that riften dosent matter) Im not sure if it is a mod im using that is bugging it, which it shouldnt but if anyone can help i would appreciate it.

Best Answer

Since you are using mods, I would say it is safe to say that they are the reason why you can't get the achievement, because I'm pretty sure that achievements are disabled when using mods Bethesda did that for Fallout 4.