Apex Legends – What is the Fastest Way to Land? Optimized Landing Guide


What's the fastest and quickest way to land at a specific spot in Apex Legends? In Fortnite, I would drop about 3 map tiles away from a spot I wanted to drop, however in this game, the dropship seems to fly slower than gliding towards my location.

In addition, I have seen squads do weird things when dropping. Some fly straight down, while some others seem to fly straight for a bit, dip down for a brief moment, then fly straight again.

What's the trick to landing? What's the fastest way to drop?

Best Answer

The biggest difference between Fortnite and Apex is that you are not forced to glide down the ground in Apex. This means you can land directly on top of your destination as opposed to "x tiles away".

The reason you see teams dipping for a bit is to rebuild their speed. You can see your current speed indicated at the left of your screen as you drop in (shown below). The steeper the angle of descent, the faster you will pick up speed, and a lower angle means faster loss of speed.

If your intended location is close to the ship you will want to do a straight dive down to your destination, simple as that.

Doing a long distance drop is a bit more difficult because of the speed mechanic, you won't get very far flying flat all the way down. Keeping your speed in the 135-145 range should allow you to cross the majority of, if not the entire map. When you come near 135 just dip down to recover some speed and level out again around 145.

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