The fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish


While talking to the fisher guy in the fishing hut he told me the best place to fish was in small places surrounded be rocks or wall.

Is this true? If so, where are theses places in the game? Is there anything else that helps to catch more fish?

For example, I have noticed that fishing next to a fisherman seems to have a higher chance of catching something. is this correct, and what else helps with fishing?

Best Answer

Trent's answer gives a solid overview of chain fishing in general. To complement that, here are some of the best areas for chain fishing.

Note that each spot is surrounded on 3 sides with rocks or cliff.

This spot is just below Ambrette Town (courtesy of this guide). Exit the Museum onto the Sand, then double back along the cliffs:

Trainer riding a Lapras in the area below Ambrette Town

Then there's Shalour City, Route 8 and Route 21 (guide)

Shalour: Shalour City

Route 8: Route 8

Route 21: Route 21

These are just some of the areas where it is possible, there are many others. Look around, try and find more!