The optimal Tech I sub-capital ship and fit to defeat an Amarr Interceptor


Recently, my two-person corp has been war-deced by a one man corp run by xManBearPiggx who often attacks with either of the Amarr Interceptors (or occasionally with a Catalyst).

To my great shame he's been able to take out a couple of my cheap cargo frigates. So I've decided to hunt or ambush my assailant. The only problem is that I'm about a year behind my opponent in character skills, so I can't really use tech II or higher ships or fits.

But what I lack in character skills I can make for with a large trade income, so I'm trying to figure out how to buy my way out of this problem. I'm not rich enough that I could afford faction ships, but I can afford just about any Tech I ship. Also, I have a fair mixture of combat and piloting skills so it wouldn't take long to train for any of the Tech I ships.

So I'm wondering what is the optimal fit to take on a pirate in an Amarr Interceptor with tech 2 dual light pulse lasers?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, it is difficult to give you a definitive answer given that situations vary so much in EVE, all you can do is try to stack cards in your favor.

Some things to consider though:

  1. Interceptors survive on speed, get a Warp Scrambler, hopefully you can use it (possibly overheated) to turn off their MWD which will lend you a huge advantage.

  2. Remember Lasers do EM and Therm damage only, tank for it

  3. Amarr are armor tanks, which makes them vulnerable to Kinetic/explosive. He probably doesn't have that much to plug that hole.

  4. Personally I would look into destroyers, they hit hard, recently were buffed, and fit with tracking mods can probably hit the quick bastard.

  5. Failing that, get friends, or starve him until he goes away.

Fly Safe!

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