The Overworld Map on M&B Warband automatically moves for me, help!


So I've been trying to get into this game, and it's amazing so far, however the overworld map has a bug which I cannot get rid of.

In short, the game is behaving as if I'm constantly holding down the A and S keys whilst on the overworld map. I can cancel the movement by holding down W and D constantly, but I can't move in those directions as they are being cancelled out by the phantom A and S.

I have unplugged all input devices except for my keyboard and mouse, and I am also not just leaving my mouse in the corner of the screen or something which might cause it to move.

I have downloaded this from steam and I don't want a seemingly great game to go to waste due to a small bug like this!

Best Answer

If someone else ever encounters this problem, make sure that you have no other input devices, such as a controller, plugged into your computer. It may take the input from that device instead of your actual keyboard.