The point of monster level


I've already read this and came to believe it does not really answer the question, not more than any other guess.

So I ask here: is there, and if there is what is the purpose of the monster level in Final Fantasy 13 game? I don't think it's just random, but can't figure its meaning.


Best Answer

Enemy levels determine the target time for a battle, and consequently, these post-battle stats:

  • Points per second
  • Score
  • Stars
  • TP recovery
  • Item and shroud drop chance

Based on the Game Mechanics guide on GameFAQs:

Target time


  • Target time T
  • HP at start of battle H
  • Enemy level L
  • Highest party member attack power Ap
  • ATB level A


 T = (H * L / 16) / [(Ap * A) / (3.5 + A)] + 8

if enemy level L is less than or equal to 50, otherwise:

 T = (H * 50 / 16) / [(Ap * A) / (3.5 + A)] + 8

Points per second


  • Points per second P
  • Target time T


 P = 10,000 / T



  • Score S
  • Points per second P
  • Target time T
  • Battle duration D


 S = (T - D) * P + 10,000

Stars, TP recovery, rare drop chance, shroud drop chance

  Score           | Stars |  TP  | Rare | Shroud 
  > 13,000        |   5   |   8x |   5x |    1x           
  12,000 - 12,999 |   4   |   3x |   3x |    1x           
  9,000 - 11,999  |   3   |   1x |   1x |    1x           
  8,000 - 8,999   |   2   | 1/2x |   0  |    2x               
  7,000 - 7,999   |   1   | 1/4x |   0  |    4x               
  < 7,000         |   0   | 1/8x |   0  |    8x