The political status of each of the Tamriel provinces


Who owns each province of Tamriel as of 4E 201 (when TES V: Skyrim takes place)?

Yes, Skyrim belongs to the Nords, Hammerfell belongs to the Redguards, Black Marsh to Argonians and all of that. But it's not really this way that it works, since Nords, for example, needed to declare war in their own land to seek what they desire.

Which province of Tamriel belongs to the Empire and which belongs to other factions? All of them.

Best Answer

My source is from Elder Scrolls Wikia and UESP.

Political Map of Tamriel

  • Empire: Skyrim*, Cyrodiil, High Rock.
  • Aldmeri Dominion: Summerset Isles, Elsweyr, Valenwood.
  • Argonian State: Morrowind, Black Marsh.
  • Independent Provinces: Hammerfell, Skyrim*.

*Depends on player's choice on Skyrim's Civil War.

Though, because of the White-gold concordat, the Aldmeri Dominion has HEAVY influence on the Empire, meaning they have a 5~6 province influence on Tamriel

Hammerfell is the only province that defeated the Aldemri Dominion, and Morrowind and Black Marsh are the only provinces that still haven't been attacked.

A curiosity, is that, while in Skyrim, the Thalmor are considered "bad guys," in Elsweyr, they are considered heroes by the Khajiit For restoring the two moons of Nirn, and I haven't checked what Bosmers think of them.