The purpose of “Reset All Stats”


I noticed in the Prestige Shop there is an option for 10th level prestige where you can reset all stats. What is the purpose of it? The only use I could think of is using it after you've beat the multiplayer and just feel like beating it again for the hell of it.

Best Answer

People care a lot about their stats, whether its accuracy, kill/death, win/loss, or highest kill streak. In the previous Call of Duties people often struggled with trying a new gun and getting good at it vs using a gun your already good with and helping your kill/death.

By allowing the ability to reset, people can take the game a little less seriously. They can experiment with guns and play styles they previously would never try knowing they can always reset and try again. In the end allowing players reset their stats it relieves a lot of stress from players over concern about their stats, and lets them start over from scratch enjoying that initial "unlock excitement" that a fresh account gives.