torchlight-2 – Understanding the ‘Fumble’ Stat in Torchlight 2


I couldn't get a very clear explanation over the internet. Within the Dexterity stat figures "Fumble Recovery"


What does it mean if the attack is "fumbled"?

Best Answer

Like in most RPGs there are critical hits. A fumbled attack in Torchlight II is a critical hit with negative impacts. By pressing J you open your Arcane Statistics (by default):

arcane statistics

This character has a 21% chance to hit a negative critical strike. This hit would deal only -49% of the normal damage.

By skilling DEX you reduce this rate. With e.g. the +30% Fumble Recovery from your screenshot, my character would have a malus in dealt damage of only -19%when he does a fumbled attack, however the Fumble Chance keeps the same.