The Target Dumthe used for


In Torchlight 2, main camps have a Target Dummy.

Some Q&As suggest the player use it to experiment, so that the dummy helps them choose the best weapons and spells.

How do I extract information from hitting the dummy?

Target Dummy

Best Answer

The training dummy in Torchlight 2 doesn't provide you any information besides damage numbers done per hit. You would personally have to determine stats based on the damage you are doing.

For example if you are experimenting with accessories and weapons you can test out one setup and see how much damage you are doing per hit. Then you could swap out to another set of weapons and gear and visually compare to what you were doing previously to see if you are doing more dps with your new set of gear compared to your old one.

So really the dummy does not provide more detailed information than just damage done per hit. It is up to the player to decide on how to use the damage information the dummy provides on how to set up their gear.