The Witcher 3 NG+ feature


I installed New Game Plus from the PlayStation Store, though I am not sure what it does.
I think it's a feature to get more out a playthrough after you have completed it, but I just don't understand what is the difference between a new save or a previous save with NG+.

  1. Do the items, levels and diagrams get kept?
  2. Am I able to get new contracts and missions?
  3. What will be of my choices?
  4. What happens if I just continue playing instead of starting a New Game Plus over it?
  5. Does my save get overwritten?

Best Answer

New Game Plus starts the game again from the beginning but you keep your current level and most of your items (as listed in the other answer). All the quests and creatures you find are also leveled up.

You can only start NG+ using a save file in which you have finished the main story line. Just starting NG+ does not overwrite this save.

If you don't start NG+ you can just continue to explore and finish any quests you haven't done yet. Leveling up becomes more difficult because you won't get many points just by killing things, especially if they are lower level than you.