Tiny Death Star keeps crashing – anything I can do to save it


So I have been playing tiny Death Star religiously for the past couple of months and I managed to get 99 levels and upgraded my elevator to the turbo one for 125 bux, I was fairly far along. I had even decorated 60 levels to unlock the overbridge. The other day I was playing when I noticed that all of the remaining levels only cost 1 bux to unlock, I thought it was a promotion and quickly snapped up all the levels. Soon afterward my game crashed and I've not been able to boot it since. I've tried restarting the iPad, closing out the game, turning off the iPad, turning off the wifi, switching from online to local and vise versa, nothing works. I really don't want to delete and reinstall the game because it seems there's no way to save it with gamecenter. Is there anything I can do to salvage it?

*I haven't linked it to Facebook yet but now I obviously can't do so in game… Is there a way to do it through fb and gamecenter or does it have to be in game to save progress?

Best Answer

I used to have a similar problem, from about mid-March the app would crash upon launching for me under iOS on an iPad 2. That was right after the "many levels acquired cheaply" period. I saw that many others had similar problems and stopped playing, obviously, as it crashed upon launch. However, the most recent update 1.4.2 (of Aug 7th 2014) worked well for me, first under iOS 6 and now under iOS 7 with all my earlier progress restored. This was all without any Facebook connectivity.