Titanfall 2/Apex Legends Stop Refreshing Screen After Clicking Out of it


Whenever playing these two games, occasionally a pop-up will open up and it will prioritize that over the game and show that. I will then click back into my game, get into a safe spot, then click out to deal with whatever popped up. It also happens when I change it from windowed to fullscreen, as it often opens in windowed

After I have done that though, the game will stop updating the picture (sound still works, button inputs are registered, and I can hear my mouse moving around over menu buttons) after a few seconds. The only way to get it to resume is to click out and back in again, but a few seconds later it freezes the image again.

I run the game in fullscreen with two monitors, and I was wondering if there is any way to prevent this without changing those two things, as the only way to fix it is to quit and restart the game.

Best Answer

As stated by @Varaquilex in there comment, I turned off Radeon Enhanced Sync. This stopped the game from freezing when the game opened in full-screen.