Titles with de jure vassals transforming into titular titles


In my current game I won the crusade for the Kingdom of Andalusia which owned about 75% of the land in Iberia for hundreds of years. During inspection of my new holdings. I noticed many of the kingdoms in Iberia were titular. My two questions are:

  • What is the reason for the Kingdom of Portugal's titular title?

  • Is there any way to restore it's de jure duchies to this title?

Titular Kingdom of Portugal

P.S. I apologize if this is a duplicate, I don't know the name of this mechanism so I was unable to search for an answer on google.

Best Answer

De jure kingdoms are not constant. There is a game mechanic called de jure drift. When a complete duchy is controlled by a different kingdom than its actual de jure kingdom for over 100 years, that duchy's de jure kingdom changes.

Apparently all of Portugal was conquered by Andalusia for so long that all counties converted to the de jure territory of Andalusia and not a single de jure duchy of Portugal remains.

If you want to revive the kingdom of Portugal, you could give the titular kingdom title to any of your counts or dukes. They will then become king of Portugal and their current holdings will become the new kingdom of Portugal. When they manage to permanently hold their duchies for 100 years, they will become a new de jure kingdom of Portugal (which doesn't need to be anywhere near the "historic" Portugal).