Traders standing at the corner of the map


While playing Dwarf Fortress (0.34.11), I noticed that a trader had come with my last migrant wave. Instead of following the rest of the dwarves to the fortress, he decided to hang around at the edge of the map. I didn't pay much attention to that at first, but now there are suddenly five traders having some sort of meeting there.

I can find them in the Others tab of the unit screen, so they were not real migrants, but I'm clueless as to what I should do with them.

Here's an image of the little Trader club:

Traders hanging around the corner of the map

Do they have some sort of purpose?

EDIT: I should have made this clearer, but I'm aware of how to trade with caravans. However, these traders are seemingly not associated with any caravans.

Best Answer

Those traders are present due to a bug, and the issue should be resolved in a newer version (whenever Toady gets around to fixing it).

In the mean time, consider them useful scouts and decoys in the ongoing Goblin conflict.