Traffic jam problem. How to avoid it


During my first few attempts with skylines I tried to use techniques I read about to control traffic flow like large one way roads, then roads beside
the highway that are used as puffer zone, round goings for heavy traffic areas, ….
but run into troubles there and not sure what I'm doing wrong. First the streets take up WAY more place than I had thought possible and second as in the screenshots below…….there are some perma traffic jam areas (the south has which is cut out has another one way that goes from right to left).

The elevated roads and the elevated circle are all highways.

Best Answer

There are several things you can do to help this traffic problem, the main ones being;

  1. Make sure that the traffic leaving your city can exit the roundabout before traffic entering the city comes on. This will mean that the roundabout is not dealing with both incoming and outgoing traffic at the same time.
  2. Make it so that the traffic leaving the roundabout doesn't have such a sharp corner to take. Cars have to slow down for sharper turns, so by making it a more gradual turn rather than a corner (the Exit Ramp road type might help), traffic can move off the roundabout quicker and easier.
  3. The road above your permatraffic is broken, with one section of it being "one way" in the wrong direction to the rest of it. Fixing this will allow traffic to utilise this road, which may help.