Transferable Crew in World of Tanks


World of tanks allows some crews to be transferred to other tanks without losing the crew skill %, for example Stug to E25. Is there alist of tank crews that can be transferred? Tried looking at the WoT wiki but couldn't find any.

Best Answer

There is only one case where there is no penalty - a premium tank can hold crews of tanks of the same type (light, medium, heavy, TD, arty) and, of course, of the same nation.

So a premium German heavy tank can take on crew trained on any other German heavy tank without penalty. That's it. Not the other way around, not in any other way - all other combinations will have some penalties until you retrain the crew and lose their compatibility with the previous tank.

Note that this means that you shouldn't ever have a crew trained for a premium tank - choose any non-premium tank of the same type, retrain the crew for it, and then this crew will be able to do well in two of your tanks.