Trap choices for Hunter


There seems to be a strong consensus about which traps to use when playing Hunter right now: Face Hunter uses explosive trap, midrange Hunter uses freeze trap. Of course some players deviate from this, but if you look at the decklists of professional or high-ranked players the trap choices seem to be very consistent.

What are the reasons for these choices? I can think of a few reasons for them, but I could also see how explosive trap would be good in midrage hunter or to a lesser extent freeze trap in Face Hunter.

And what about Snake trap? I've seen it played even at high levels a few times, but aside from the surprise factor I can't really see the appeal.

Best Answer

Explosive trap does 2 damage to all enemies. That includes the enemy player, which is why it is in the Face Hunter.

Frost trap returns an attacking enemy minion back to their hand. If the trap returns a 5 mana or more minion, that's a large tempo swing (5 or more mana) for the cost of 1 card.

Snake Trap is mostly about combos. Knife Juggler, Starving Buzzard, Scavenging Hyena, Timber Wolf.

Misdirection and Snipe are about plan disruption, rather than outright card, tempo, or combo advantages.