Ultrastrike levels and their effect on mods


What's the effect of Ultrastrike levels? I can understand their effect on resonators and I don't need to find out how it exactly is being calculated. But their effect on mods is a different story. Mods aren't resonator like entities. How does an ultrastrike do harm on a mod? Is it a probability calculation based on their level? If not what is the effect?

Best Answer

This is anecodotal evidence as I have only observed this through my own play, which statistically would not be enough for a case study!

I have found for getting rid of mods, the lower level US work just as well as the higher level ones. I have had roughly the same success rate in dropping mods when standing on top of the portal with a level 1 US as a level 5 US.

I generally don't use higher level US on portals, only resonators so can't comment on higher up.

Again this is just an observation and no set-in-stone ruleset, but so far it appears the effect US (and XMP) have on mods is more along the lines of "chance to break" as opposed as a sum of damage. I would assume higher level US have better chances, but I have reasonable success with lower levels in popping mods.

I don't ever recycle US as I find the chance of popping a mod outweighs the miniscule xm you get from recycling.

Sorry this isn't a conclusive answer but just adding what I have observed