Unable to connect locally to GMOD SRCDS, Others can connect though


I made a dedicated server for gmod, (You can actually join it to test, its "FinnWorld")

Others can connect to it, its forwarded, np with the firewall, the ip is correct, but what is wrong?

error msg by gmod: Connection failed after 6 retries.

my start.bat:
@echo off

title srdcs.exe Watch_Doges
start /wait srcds.exe -console +hostname "FinnWorld[WIRE][FASTDL][PAC3][PVP & BUILD]" -game garrysmod +map gm_bigcity +maxplayers 16 -authkey (MY AUTHKEY, NO I WONT LET YOU KNOW IT!) +host_workshop_collection 798333332 +login anonymous +ip
goto srdcs

Best Answer

Ok, It turns out that when I was running gmod and the server on the same computer, the server was sending out stuff at port 27015 and gmod tried to send out signals on 27015. changed port to 27016 and +clientport 27006 if it still doesnt work. I'll leave this out here if it intrests somebody