Under what conditions do auto-turrets stay in play


The bonus pickups provide a number of auto-turrets, both for personal and for vehicles, as well as droids that can fire in a similar manner.

That left me wondering how long they last once I'm killed, will they disappear after a period of time. Obviously ending the level will wipe them from the level.

Is it possible to have multiple turrets? of the same type?

Do auto-turrets last until destroyed, or the level ends?

Best Answer

I just put a few of these questions to the test.

You cannot have multiple turrets of the same type. I dropped a Viper Probe Droid, picked up another one and dropped the second Viper Probe Droid as well, and the first droid blew up as soon as I dropped the second.

Your turret will stay alive as long as you are alive or until it gets killed - The turret, after you die, has a limited time it will stay alive before it just blows up. Respawning does not seem to affect this timer - I've respawned to see my turret still activated and working before randomly blowing up.