Unlocking Imperial Marches Retail level after the event ends


There's no way I'm going to be able to get enough little medals or whatever to unlock this level in the next two days. I found out about it a little too late, and I've got all my Imperial levels working for me to get as much as I can, but it's just not going to happen.

I tried to roll back my device so that I'd get more time, and that also rolled back the timers on every pending order/task I had running by the same amount of days, plus I lost a bitizen out the airlock.

Does anyone know if the level will be unlockable in some other way after the event? If you didn't get Panna City from the decorating event, were you able to buy it later? Anyone got any ideas?

ETA: Okay, so I'm going to try something out, and I'll let you guys know how it works out or if it totally backfires since I have zero interest in buying bux to unlock a level.

I went and made sure I had NO pending orders or tasks, and THEN rolled back my device by 7 days. I then turned off application updates from the play store so that TDS would not update the program and screw me over. Today is supposed to be the last day for the event, but my game says I have eight days remaining and so far, so good.

Best Answer

I was in the same boat. (Playing under iOS on an iPhone 5, btw.) After making sure I had no pending tasks, I set my device date back by a week or so (i.e., closer to the start of the event). I did lose a bitizen out the airlock (worth the one-time sacrifice, I thought), but was then able to proceed by starting tasks on each level (usually the higher-medal tasks where available) and then advancing my device clock two hours — long enough for all of the tasks to complete — then repeating the process. Managed to unlock the droids (which all show up at once — I originally thought they were three separate rewards, but no) and Imperial Marches. (Note also that it appears that you only lose a bitizen when setting your clock backward, not forward. Kind of critical for this plan.)

Now I'm curious what will happen if I set my device back to during the decoration event — since I missed getting Panna City Medicines — but I suspect that since the app has been updated since, it probably won't work. Similarly, I'd suggest doing this before the Imperial Service event ends, just in case there's some kind of "flag" that goes off in the app once the event concludes that'll prevent you from going back after it ends.

Update: As I suspected, no luck on setting my device clock back to during the decoration event. Lost a bitizen out the airlock, but the device immediately triggered the end video for the service event, and no decoration event showed up. Fortunately, once I set my device back to the current date/time, the service event appeared to be back on. So you may have a few days (presumably until the next app update) to take advantage of the date-switch strategy.