Don’t Starve – What Is Up with These Pigs?


I do not understand the pig dynamics in Don't Starve. I haven't really been bothered by any pigs (unless I go and attack one). But then I encountered these crazy pigs (sorry for the bad shot…I couldn't get too close!):

enter image description here

But yet I can walk around this area all day and have no problem with pig attacks:

enter image description here

So what's the difference? Why are the pigs in the first picture crazy and attack me on sight and the ones in the bottom picture are cool and let me wander around their area without a problem?

Best Answer

See the bushes in the first picture? Those pigs are not crazy, they're defending their harvest. By getting close to the berries you become a threat, so they attack you. So, if you want to befriend a pig, you better choose another one, and if you need berries get a free bush somewhere else or be prepared to fight. Otherwise, just walk around and they'll mind their own business.