Use firewood for? Is the supply unlimited


I found a wood axe and a chopping block near to each other in a camp somewhere and so became aware that I could use the axe with the chopping block to (very slowly) produce firewood.

Does firewood have any purpose other than just being low-value merchant fodder?
Can I set up camp fires, maybe, or something else?

Also, does a chopping block ever run out like ore seems do?
(I got bored quickly so didn't test more than a couple of chops)

Best Answer

In most of the locations where you can chop firewood, there will be an NPC nearby who will buy any firewood you chop for 5G a piece. Early in the game, it's a nice way to raise a few coins while running AFK to grab a drink or while typing up a question or answer here at Gaming.SE.

Firewood is also used to improve a few low level weapons, notably the Long Bow, at a grindstone.

And yes, the supply is unlimited. The truly dedicated could chop enough wood to buy and furnish a house.