Using Tracking with less than three cards


Does using the card Tracking with less than 3 cards remaining in your deck cause you to take fatigue damage?

Tracking Card

For instance, if you have 0 cards left in your deck, and use tracking. Do you take 3 rounds of fatigue? Or 0? Because you technically wouldn't draw anything. But you do go through 3 cards.

Context: I was a priest and I Mind Visioned a hunter who was holding a single card, Tracking. He had no cards left in his deck. I assumed he was holding it because he wanted me to think that he had a viable option for 1 more turn OR he didn't want to take more fatigue.

Best Answer

It says

Look at the top tree cards... Draw one...

starting hand

Having 2 cards left, you would look at the 2 of them and pick which one to draw and discard the other, no fatigue taken. first played

Having 1 card left, you would look at that card and draw it, being the lone card left, there's no option for you to choose from. No fatigue taken either (as Studoku confirms in his answer).

Having no card left, you don't take a fatigue hit, since you can't look up at any cards, you can't draw one, no fatigue. 0card

As you can see from the screenshot of my testing, my health haven't changed after playing the second one with no more cards.

Looking at cards doesn't count as drawing them, neither is discarding them considered a draw attempt.

Note that fatigue is represented as a card but it's not a card at all, it's just the way Blizzard decided to represent it. It could have been a stabbing dagger, a chicken biting you or whatever... so don't mistake the look fatigue got with it being anything but a effect of having no more card and having to draw one.