Voidwalker’s nova bomb cooldown


I was playing Destiny two days ago (my char is a Warlock-Voidwalker) and the matchmaking has given me a decent team. In this team there was another Voidwalker that was SO "unusual"…
As the game was going on, I noticed that he had a nova bomb ready everytime we met an enemy.
I started following him and discovered that I was right: he was casting nova bombs like every 30 seconds or less…
Pretty sure about the fact that he was a cheater, I didn't bother searching through the web for a solution.
Yesterday, while cooking, I turned on my console and decided to watch some good Destiny's action on Twitch. Entered a channel and, SURPRIIIIIISE, found a warlock with a 20/30seconds nova bomb casting time doing a raid into the Vault of Glass…..
Now the question is pretty simple: is it just me or those two guys are both cheaters?!
If not, does someone have an exhaustive guide on how to setup the Voidwalker class to reach this goal? Every walkthrough I've found on the web didn't gave any noticeable result…

Best Answer

Although cheating is a possibility, they probably achieved this through proper perks and armor stats.

Firstly the armor stat Intellect decreases the cooldown of your super substantially.

Also many armors and weapons have perks on them for super generation. As an example, here is one Warlock helmet that replenishes super energy on grenade kills.

Combining perks and intellect makes it very possible to have a super on that short of a cooldown.

Next time you come across one of these players inspect them to see what they have built.