Warscore drops when I win


I noticed something strange today. Immediately after I successfully assaulted a holding, my warscore dropped about 10 percentage points. I figured it may had something to do with my losses, so I reloaded and just let the siege wait it out untill I won — however, the result was still the same. Shouldn't I earn warscore for kicking ass?

Secondly, I think in EU3, you would gain much more warscore for capturing capitals. Is this still the case? I've read that you get 75% more warscore for holding all your objective wargoals.

As a bonus question, what do you find is the usual point at which an enemy accepts defeat? I heard a warscore of 80% is a good rule of thumb, but I've had a warscore of 97% and the enemy was still extremely reluctant (four minuses) and though "things are going my way", even though I had held a lot of his holdings for five years and won every single battle.

Best Answer

So, I figured it out. I could choose between three different casus belli – infidel, one county and a whole duchy. I chose the latter, since that duchy was Castille, and I had a claim to the defunct throne.

Castille has four counties, and I held three of them. The last was held by rebels, and I figured I wouldn't waste my forces on them, so I besieged his other counties instead.

It seems the warscore dropped, because I did not have a valid CB outside Castille. When I turned my forces around and defeated the rebels, I could press for victory almost immediately.