Was there some realistic reason for the odd save method in the original zelda


I remember one having to use both controllers to save the game. Was there some viable reason for this or is it a 'how did they design it that way' CP?

Best Answer

The Famicom (Japanese NES) has two hard-wired controllers, so it was not uncommon to find single player games that used both of these. The second controller had a mic, and lacked the "start" and "select" buttons.

In fact, the Japanese version of The Legend of Zelda already used the second controller in another way. Pols Voices were weak against noise - and in the Japanese version, you killed them most efficiently by blowing into the mic on the second controller.

This "save menu" trick was even listed in the Japanese and US manuals for the game, so it wasn't a secret or a leftover debug item, it was a supported feature of the game.